Etica devs Join and build on top of Etica

Imagine new use cases and build apps that can revolutionize open research.
Etica is completely open source and you can build your own web3 applications on top of Etica Blockchain.

Viewed 325198 times and downloaded 46935 times since September 28, 2019

Etica Smart Contract stars

Etica Smart Contract

  • The smart contract that handles the core system of the Etica Protocol. Join and build
  • Build web3 applications connected Etica smart contract
  • Review Etica smart contract
  • Repository:
ETI POOL stars


EGAZ pool stars

EGAZ pool

  • A mining pool to mine EGAZ cryptocurrency
  • Easy maintenance: Benefit from a pool easy to run and maintain
  • EGAZ pool is maintened by community and can be run without having to waste too much time on maintenance
  • See me running:
  • Repository: (open source soon)

  • A web3 application connected to Etica Protocol
  • is an example of an application connected to Etica Protocol
  • Build your own apps. You can imagine and implement new features and services for community
  • Examples: An app that connects Science Experts and ETI Holders, allow experts to give feedback on proposals and receive ETI payments through a subscription system or a ETI donation button.
    Allow Experts to share their previous work and social media to assess their expertise.
  • Examples: An app that connects medical research NGOs and ETI Holders, allow NGOs to get an alternative to plead for donations. Build an app that allows NGOs to assess proposals and share their knowledge in exchange for ETI payments through a subscription system or a ETI donation button.
    Allow users to lend ETI to NGOs so they can vote and earn ETI with it. Allow full report of ETI usage by NGOs (which proposals they voted on, amount of votes, outcome of votes, average ETI earned, graphs, ETI allocation to diseases and chunks (which diseases this NGO vote on with ETI)).
    Allow users to search for NGOs based on which disease they are specialised and used to vote on. Example someone interested by research on a specific Cancer should be able to find a classement of NGOs that are specialised on that disease, then lend ETI to that NGO and have a dashboard and reports of NGO ETI usage.
    Allow NGOs to build monthly reports or newsletter that summarize their votes and current stage of research with main challenges. Connect an AI that allow users to query and ask for clarifications about these reports or proposals.
  • Examples: Build atomic swap systems for ETI/EGAZ, ETI/BTC, ETI/XMR, EGAZ/BTC, EGAZ/XMR
  • See me running:
Etica GUI stars

Etica Gui Wallet



Viewed 325198 times and downloaded 46935 times since September 28, 2019